Friday, October 5, 2007

Broken Wubba

As a reward for losing my three pounds, Mom got me a Wubba. She has been looking for for one at all of the pet stores, specialty stores and doggie boutiques, but these things have been hard to find! Finally, she found one today. It wasn't a Wubba 'Wubba', it's a Kong Wubba. I love all my Kong toys, so mom snapped it up. I was soooo excited when she gave it to me. I took it to my bed and was chewing and squeaking away. Mom came back not a half hour later, and this is what she found.
I had chewed through my Wubba! I am a hardcore chewer, and I love nothing more than chewing on tennis balls.
Not only did I chew through the Wubba cover, but I also ate the tennis ball inside.
Mom hated to toss out the whole toy, so she popped out the tennis ball and tossed the remainder of the Wubba back at me.
Now, I'm enjoying squeaking my Wubba all around the house. Has this happened to any other doggies out there in blogging land? Just wondering...

'Till Next Time,



Dandy Duke said...

We broke our first Wubba too Kirby but Mitch took out the squeaky ball part instead of the tennis ball part! We still have the blue squeaky ball but the tennis ball part is history! Asta gave me a pretty orange one for my birthday and it's out in the workshop, safe and away from the sharkie! I love Wubba!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

Kirby Boy!

I have heard rumors of Wubba massacres, but I think you have set a record. You really must be a POWER CHEWER! I bow down to your chewing prowess.

Looks to me like you can still wield your Wubba around pretty well. If you need to find another one, there's a great online dog supply where my girl gets stuff for me. They have tons of Wubbas and other stuff, and their delivery is amazingly fast too. It is:

Happy Wubba-ing!

Goober love,

Noah the Airedale said...

Well no wonder you ate through your new wubba Kirby, you need food. You were just hungry because of the diet. It's not your fault.


Harry said...

Gosh Kirby, you really can chew! Ma tried to get me to play with Oscar's Wubba, but I really have in interest in toys.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

The Thuglets said...

Wow Kirby thats some chewed Wubba! We have never had one..maybe we'll put it on our christmas list.

The Thugletsx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... rock, you Power Chewer!!! Perhaps they will design the new "Kirby Wubba" one that's covered in cast iron instead of canvas. Oh....Kong bought out Wubba...wonder how much Kong has made on that business adventure? Too bad me and Lacie didn't think of that Wubba thingy. Perhaps Noah's right, you're just starving. Lacie has decided she's an Airedale that just doesn't get enough to eat. If Mumsie would increase her rations to more that 3/4 of a cup/day...she'd be the size of a Dale instead of 11 lbs.

Hubba Wubba....Scuffy

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Kirby,
Today our pinkies went to the Pet Barn and bought us a wubba. They haven't given it to us yet as they fear for it's life but we are mighty excited.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Sunshade said...

Oh Kirby...hehe... your Wubba bear similar resemblance to STINKY's. The only difference is you see blue threads at the opening instead of red.

When do you like to play with yours the most??? STINKY loves it when mum and I are watching TV. So I go upstairs, and mum is stuck with him!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Sunshade said...

Hi Hi Kirby Kirby,

Me me got a Wubba Wubba too! Me love love Wubba Wubba because it say says funny sound sound.

STINKY licks,

The Black and Tans. said...

We have wubbas too. We had them for our birthdays. So far they are all intact as we like shaking them and tossing them into the air and playing tug. The squeak really gets on the hoomans nerves, ha ha, we do like to squeak them when they are watching their favourite television programme. Tee hee.

Molly and Taffy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I haven't got a wubba because J1 knows it'd be history in about 5 mins! J x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh poo wubba....

did u ask ur mummy to buy a new one soon...

i got a wuubba blue in color...a gift from toby...

Hazel Bridges said...

Keep up the good chewing work, I systematically chew my way through most toys.


Charlie boy

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