Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Weekend at the lake

What a wonderful long weekend I had up at the family cottage at Paw Paw Lake! Lots of family, fun and most importantly food! With all of us dogs, it was chaos as usual. Here are some pictures of my fellow pooches.

Layla is the newest to the family. She is small, but tough. She and I like to ride on the boat together, and she's learning how to swim. Maybe by Labor Day she'll be out in the deep water with me.

I believe most of you are familiar with Spencer by now. He belongs to my Grandma and Grandpa and is their fifth Airedale! He's almost 13, but is still got a wild streak in him. He does not like fireworks of any kind, so he was a bit unglued this weekend. Poor Spence.
Another of the elder dogs is Bailey. She is the eldest of the Husky side of the family. He he! She might be a mature dog, but given the right moment she'll play a great game of bitey face.
And who could forget Stormy? Stormy is the newest of the Huskies. We have a love/hate relationship. We love to play with each other, but she hates for me to play with Layla. I guess Layla belongs to her. In this picture, Stormy is enjoying a dog cookie Mom got for all of us when she did some shopping. Yummy!
When I'm at the lake, I've got to get my swim on. I love to paddle around down by the pier and play with my water Kong.

Even paddling around can get boring for this pooch. I think I really need to get swimming. Faster Grandpa, faster! I want to head out to where the water is deep!
Mom always worries about me when I'm swimming in the deep water. She says I get tired really easy and I look nervous since there is no where to get out of the water and rest. To fix this, Mom ordered me a doggy life jacket. Pretty snazzy, huh?
Mom wasn't sure how I'd react to swimming with the life jacket on, but I had no problems. As soon as I was off the boat, I took off in the water. I chased every duck out of the cove we were anchored in. I was swimming so far off, Mom and Dad were yelling for me to come back. People in other boats were all laughing and yelling for me to come back too!
Swimming with the jacket on is so easy. I can paddle slowly and really enjoy myself out in the 20 feet deep water!
Now this is the life. I could really get used to this.

Watch out ducks, here I come!
Dad even hitched a ride as I played with my water Kong.
Back inside, the craziness of five pooches in one house continued. Stormy, Layla and I love to bark and chase one another.
Come back, little Layla! I can't quite get under there.
Once the chaos becomes too much for the house, we are all banished to the backyard, where we run, roach and have a wonderful time.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!

'Till next time,



Lacy said...

w00f's Kirby, woooowww u had a pawsome time at the lake...nice bunch of friends u gots there too...did u help fish too...me iz gonna go camping the 1st week in august iffin all goes as planed...me never been camping...

b safe,

i said...

What a great time you had there, Kirby! You are a regular waterdoggie, eh?

Faya said...

Kirby ! Isn't that great having friends to play with ? Looking at your pictures makes me feeling bad...I tryed and tryed and tryed but I still cannot swim.... I feel stupid...maybe I am ?
Kisses, Faya

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a pawsome weekend you had at the lake. I bet you can swim for long time with that cool life jacket

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

You sure look like you were having fun swimming in your new life jacket, Kirby! What a fun 4th for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, the lake sure is loverly & you had a lot of fun in there!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

erin said...

Kirby, it looks like you had a totally pawsome weekend at the lake! You lucky dog! I wish I got to hang out with 5 dogs for a whole weekend. You are such a good swimmer. My girl says that I have to get a life jacket this year too because I freaked her out by jumping in the deep end last year. She wants to know what brand life jacket did you get? Check you later!

Niamh said...

Hi Kirby.

What a fun weekend you had with your family pack. They all look like great dogs.

Love your look in your life jacket. You are such a great swimmer and very brave to go out to 20 ft deep water. I like to swim but have never been out as far as that or been in a boat either. Glad you had such a great trip to the lake.

Your friend,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Kirby, I am officially jealous of your snazzy life jacket - and of the way you swim!!! Maybe you could head over to give me a few pointers?

Can you pop over and let mama know where you got that super-cool jacket? She's thinking of getting me one to encourage me to go into the water more...


Dexter said...

That life jacket looks great. You could swim across the ocean in it!

Five doggies in the house at once? That's a party!


Bonnie said...

Hey there, little Kirby Cutie!

Keeley's grandma here wishing you a very happy birthday tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all about it on your blog. You sure are a great swimmer and you look very athletic in your life vest.

Keeley's Grandma

Stanley said...

Hey, Kirbs!!

That looks like a FABulous weekend with the cousins and the g-parents! I need to get me one of those snazzy lifevests. You were totally getting your swim ON, man! I could watch you paddling around like that all day!

I'm going to catch up on everything you've been doing recently and your recent posts.

Are you getting ready for your birthday tomorrow?! Hmmm?

Goober love & smooches,

Lacy said...

w00f's kirby, happy barkday to uuuu...dont furgit to check u peemail fur ur carwd...

b safe,


Woof, Kirby

Looks like you have alot of fun at the lake. We don't have alot of lakes in Arizona, not near our house anyway. We've got a little pool but that's it.

Woof, woof
Desert pups,
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life inside the fence.

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