Monday, September 29, 2008

X-Ray Results

So, the x-rays are in and for the most part, all is well. My hips are really good according to my wonderful vet. It looks like I have a bit of cartilage or something in my soft tissue on my right hind leg, which was along the lines of what my Chiro Vet thought. This will require a bit of hydro therapy, which I'm all for. I'm always up for swimming!
This x-ray of my spine caused some hmmmm's in the vets office today. Apparently, one of my lumbar's or something doesn't look exactly perfect. A bunch of vets looked at it and no one could say it is a problem, but no one was 100% that it wasn't something wrong, so off my x-ray went for an Orthopedic consultation. Apparently, it could be how I was positioned for the x-ray, but my hard working vet wants to make sure we rule everything out. We should hear back from the Orthopedic by Thursday, so once they let us know, I'll let you all know.
Other than that, Mom had found a 'mass' on my butt, and my vet looked it over and informed Mom that it was a zit. Can you believe it? I've got a pimple on my butt! Ha ha ha!!!

Well, I'm off to rest. I had to be sedated for the x-rays, and I'm a bit tired still.

'till next time,



Niamh said...

A zit on your butt! How did that happen? But I am glad to hear that your legs will be fine. Hope the orthopedic consult goes well and that there is nothing wrong with your spine.

Your friend,

Asta said...

You'we vewy photogenic even on the inside..I hope theweis nothing wong and it was just the position..but good thing you have such a cawing thouwough's best to check! I'll keep my paws cwossed fow you!
a pimple???heheheha Kirby is a teenagew, hehehehe
I think you'we vewy handsome
smoochie kisses

P. said...

Glad you're mostly ok Kirby, and heres to some crossed paws that the spine is ok! And a zit on your butt huh? Sounds painful, how ever do you sit?

Tail Wags,

Faya said...

I am glad your legs are fine. Asta is right you are photogenic even on X-Ray !
Sorry that you had to be sedated...
Kisses, Faya

Noah the Airedale said...

Pimple Butt Kirby hee hee....sorry matie, couldn't resist. Did you remember to smile for the camera lol.
Glad there was nothing seriously wrong Kirby. The extra swimming sounds right up your ally.


Bonnie said...

Hi, Kirby!

I'm no doctor, but you look great to me, both inside and out! Glad you are doing fine.
Keeley's Grandma

Dexter said...

Sorry about the zit. Those can be a bit ouchie. Those photos of your innards were way cool.


Willow the Black Dale said...

Oh Kirby so glad those hips are ok! I bet you will love the hydrotherapy...heck I think all doggies would!
A pimple on your bottom. Who put it there????

Duke said...

That's a very cool xray, Kirby! We're glad you can get extra swim time in!
Geez, did you get some pimple cream for that zit on your butt?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You can get pimples on your butt??? Well your insides look pretty good Kirby

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Kirby,
Glad to hear that your legs are going to be fine.. Swimming sounds like a wonderful cure!!
Ermmm... zit on your bum bum?

Asta said...

Have you heawd back fwom the owthopedic dogtow yet?
I hope you'we OK and they didn't find anything wong
smoochie kisses

Deetz said...

you have great an x-ray you kinda look like a dine e sore.
Pretty cool actually!
I hope you have a glorious weekend

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