Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Agility Jumps

I'm not sure what got into me tonight, perhaps it was the glowing eyes or something, but I ROCKED in agility class!

Usually, I'm all over the place trying to play with the other dogs and not paying to attention to what I should be doing, but tonight I was on fire! We did some speed circles to practice our jumps and I did the circle twice without knocking over one bar. If you've read my past posts, you would know that I've had issues with knocking over every bar on every jump in the course. Tonight, with my speed and my mood, I cleared everything. Woo hoo! Mom and Dad were so proud of me!

Let's see if this good behavior is still around for next weeks graduation class. It should be interesting...

'Till next time,



Boo Casanova said...

hi kirby,

i have added your b'day to the event calendar. sorry it took so long coz my mom and dad got married over the weekend and i have no internet access! but now your b'day is in the calendar. check it out!

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. You done pawsome at agility class. :) That is really great work. I hope you get lots of treats after that

~ Girl girl

Harry said...

Excellent Kirby, you really rocketed around that course. I need a snooze now after watching you!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

Awesome job, Kirby! We are all so proud of you here! Your dad got a workout too!

Love ya lots,

Noah the Airedale said...

Good stuff Kirby. You did so well, we're very impressed. Hopefully, your good form will hang around for graduation. Good luck from your aussie maties.

Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Ferndoggle said...

Kirby, you did PAWSOME!! Mom says she's going to start agility with me in the spring. I can't WAIT!!! And I hope to be as good as you.


The Black and Tans. said...

Well done Kirby.

We all knew you could do it, no problem. Just that us Dales do things when we want to, not when the hoomans say we have to.

Molly and Taffy

Lenny said...

Congratulations Kirby! You rock!

Your friend, Lenny

Putter said...


Awesome work in agility! I am hoping to do some agility myself sometime! It looks like such funnest ever!!!!!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Asta said...

You wewe amazing!!pawsome!!
you weally nailed it this time!!! I hope this stweak continues fow you next week..but even if you knock stuff down,you'we tewwific!
Thanks fow saying I look nice aftew the bath..we'we actually having cake and stuff tomowwow with fwiends..I'll take pictoowes so youcan see..wish you wewe hewe
1smoochie kisses

jaffeboy said...

Well done Kirby. Hope U'll do as well in the graduation class. I miss agility classes. We stopped since the agility course near our house moved.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Congrats Kirby! Did you get extra treats? Hope so, pal! J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa Kirby...u looked fab on that course...u are one smokin' Dale!!! Scruffy did some agility in his pup class...I never tried it, but I want too. At least, I wouldn't pick a fight in the tunnel!!


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

You did really well. It looks fun.

I wish I could have a go.


Asta said...

Hi Kirby
I'm glad you liked my pawty pictoowes.I guess I got way too excited,but no one got mad at me ,mommy said she undewstood.
did you get to go to mowe agility today?
That suwe looks gweat.
My unkel Tony is vewy much fun,heheh
smoochie kisses

Urban Smoothie Read said...

keep up with the training and all the best to u on ur graduation day...

we know u can do it...

Stanley said...


You totally ROCKED those jumps, man! I'd love to do agility, but I have to do some more obedience first. (Sigh)

You are totally the DOG, though. You're kinda my hero.

Goober love & hero worship,

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