Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bath Time

So, Mom announced that she was going to take my DWB Christmas card photo this weekend. After looking me over, she decided that I was in need of a bath! Off we all went to Soggy Paws, our local self wash dog wash. Personally, I didn't think I needed a bath, but apparently, my opinion doesn't count. Mom also said she needed to rinse out the smokey smell I came back with from Scruffy & Lacie's place. She was not too happy, she said I smelled like a bar.
Up into the tub I went, and then that darn collar thingy was attached to the tub, so no escaping for me. Since Mom is busy snapping all of the pictures, Dad did the 'dirty' work.
Soon I was all lathered up and not too happy. I like being a dirty dog, I don't like getting cleaned up.
Dad was scrubbing me all over the place, I mean ALL over the place. Hey, watch your hands down there buddy!!
As they finally finished me off, I pondered running from the tub before they tried to scrub me again.
OK, I'm all clean (yuck!) and dry now, can we get out of here?
Well, I'm all clean now, hopefully Mom will approve and take my Christmas picture. When you get my card and admire how nice I look, remember what I went through to get that way. Grrrrr!
'Till next time,


Stanley said...

Man, Kirby!

The hoomans are so serious about those Christmas photos. I had NO IDEA (I was homeless last year during Christmas so didn't get to see what it was all about).

Personally, I'll like whatever photo you send, but I think the dirty Kirby photo would be the better one!

My problem was the opposite. My girl's been holding off on grooming me until she got a good photo of fluffy me with Stella. Now that it's cold, she's going to groom me! Hate that grooming table!

Goober love & sympathy,

Duke said...

These DWB Christmas pictures that we have to endure are just a royal pain! We'll remember that when we get your card that you're squeaky clean ALL over - even the important parts! hehehehe

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Oh dear Kirby! I am a little worried now that I am about to endure the same fate...

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Kirby, your face in photo 4 is hilarious!

Think yourself lucky. I get a shower almost weekly. Every day I sneak a swim in the canal, and after about a week I smell so ripe with all the canal ooze they insist on washing me. You should see how much mud washes down the plug hole. I pull very miserable faces.


Lenny said...

You look great, Kirby! I'm sure the photos will be worth all the effort. :) I had to have a bath last night myself. What is UP with these pictures???

Your friend, Lenny

Lacy said...

woofies Kirby, dont ya juz hate baff not likies it either me tries to wun....any pictur u takies iz a awesome picture...

b safe,

Asta said...

Youw Dad suwe did a vewy thowough job , that looks like a gweat place to get washed though,nice big tub
I will smell the cawd to see if I can get a whiff of wondewfully clean you ..I appweciate all you went thwough!!!
smoochie kisses

The Black and Tans. said...


WE are not going to show your post to our hoomans, just in case they get ideas about bathing us too!

Molly and Taffy.

PS. You look so handsome after your bath. Molly xx

Noah the Airedale said...

We're having our xmas card piccie taken this weekend too. I wonder what humiliation we're all in for?????
You're bathtime pics are great. You're face says it all matie lol.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Ferndoggle said...

Yuck!! Bath time stinks! I will be sure to remember the sacrifce you made for your picture. I hope our Mom doesn't get any bright ideas. I've been hearing whispers about our picture being taken this weekend.


Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey Kirby - while I feel ya on the "yet another bath" thing, I do have to say that you look GOOD.

And I wanna help since you are pine cone deprived and no dog should be. Send me your address (to and I promise to pick out a giant one for you and have it at your door pronto!


L said...

Kirby - We are sorry to hear that you had to have a bath. We HATE baths. We almost got one this weekend, but somebody broke the water line and workers turned off all our water. Luckily, our girl doesn't know about the places you went to.

Can't wait to see the card. Bet you look handsome in it.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Kirby, I feel for you pal. Bath time is no fun. Not ever. J x

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