Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mmmmm Miss Porky Chew!

Thank you everyone for your warm wishes! It has finally gotten warmer around here. Today it was in the 40's!! It was finally warm enough for Mom, Dad and me to go for a run along the lakefront. We did just over three miles then I came home and crashed. I was so tired!! Since it's been so cold and snowy all week long I haven't been out for more than a quick walk around the block. It was so pawsome to get out and really stretch my legs.

Of course Mom forgot the camera, so there are no pics of my excellent running ability! She keeps promising to bring one next time, we'll see if that ever happens!

After I woke up from my post-run nap, Mom surprised me with a treat, she gave me a Miss Porky Chew! I don't care if these things have a girls name or not, they are DELICIOUS!
Can you beat a treat that is yummy and HUGE?
MMmmmm yum!
I spent some quality time chewing on this bad boy before I fell into a chew induced slumber.'Till next time,


Cassidy said...

That chewy looks good. me no be good with chewies. Me tries to bite big bits then me gags. Me no be allowed them now until me is big girl.

Cassidy x

Duke said...

That Miss porky chew looks like the pig's ears that Sunshade and Jaffa gave us! They were really good and BIG!
We're glad you got to go for a long walkie, Kirby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Woah! That's the hugest porky chew I've ever seen! What's that? Is that the piggy's ear or something? I bet it tasted sooooo gooooood...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

I gotta get me one of those miss porky chews! Looks great. Glad you finally went on a decent walkie.

Look at you meditating post chew like a Zen Master!


Faya said...

Waouw it looks soooo gooood... I use to eat mine in the garden because it doesn't smell so good...
Kisses, Faya

Lenny said...

Mmm, I think I would like to meet Miss Porky Chew. She sounds like my kind of girl.

I'm glad you got to go running! You're lucky both your humans go with dad says me and my mom are too slow. :)

Your friend, Lenny

Lacy said...

woofies Kirby, watt a fun time u had wiff u pawents..its nice to haff days like dat...and dat porky chewy lookies yummmys...

b safe,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, that Miss Porky Chew is HUGE! J x

Asta said...

I know the cold is back, but i'm suwe glad at least sunday you got to stwetch youw legs and then have that fabulous looks gweat..I love the size, and we seem to agwee on what to do aftew a nice day
smoochie kisses,Asta

Stanley said...

Hey, Kirby BOY!

That Miss Porky chew looks like a great naptime snack. I also noticed you have a cool blankie there that you're napping on.

I'd love to see vid of you running with your peeps!

Goober love,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Happy to see that it's finally thawing out where you are Kirby... enjoy that chewie!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That sure is a giant ear. How long will it take you to finish chewing it all?

~ Girl girl

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Kirby

Glad you managed to stretch your legs and have a good run. We like your little friend lying on the floor next to you in the last photo.

Molly and Taffy

Noah the Airedale said...

Glad to hear you got to go our for a run. Just did a temperature conversion....cripes, it's still pretty cold.
That pork chew is very impressive. No wonder you konked out afterwards.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

la said...

Hmmm... That's huge and yummy! But chewing gets you very tired, I know.

Woofies, Alex

jaffeboy said...

Am sure glad you got a good run after all the cold weather.

That chewy thing does look pawsome. Ma won't let me have any cos I like to hide it under her pillow... bummer...

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey Kirby,

Mama is putting something special in the mail for ya - a bit of dad's latest treats - hope ya like 'em!


i said...

Hi Kirby! Glad that you've got warmer weather now. Ooh the chewy is huge!

Oliver said...

Wow, that chewie is HUGE! I don't know if I could run three miles, that is really far, you deserve a huge, yummie chewie!

L said...

The porky chew looks so tasty! Our mean girl never lets us have treats like that. Hope you enjoyed it.
Comet and BLU

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