The rules say that I am supposed to pass this award on to 10 friends, but as I got caught up on my blog reading, I saw that everyone seemed to have gotten the award already, so to any of my pals who have not received this award, I am happily passing it on to you!
Maggie and Mitch tagged me to share 7 weird things about myself, so here I go:
1) I never watch where I am going when I'm walking, so I'm constantly walking into things! (while jogging today, I ran into a parking meter!)
2) I've got jaws of steel, I have yet to meet a toy that I couldn't break or tear apart.
3) I still have very white teeth. Dad brushes them at least once a week, and each day I get a dental chew to keep my teethies looking good!
4) When I got neutered, I won the award for being the 'biggest' boy neutered that day. No kidding, my vet specifically told this to Mom and Dad, she was quite proud.
5) I love fruits and vegetables. In fact, I go crazy when Mom cuts up her veggies for the week. Just got to get some of that celery!
6) I freak out when anyone sneezes. Don't know what it is, but that sound makes me go crazy. I tuck my butt and run around in circles.
7) I'm in looove with my veterinarian, Dr. Marks. I love going to the Vet, I happily stroll in and just about run to the exam room. If I don't get to see Dr. Marks, I pout and am cranky the rest of the day. When she walks into the exam room, I jump up and lavish her with kiss after kiss! She is the best!
Before I pass this tag on, I want to see who has and hasn't been tagged just yet.
Finally, I was brought to tears when I saw that Durango, the latest addition to the brat pack had crossed the rainbow bridge. He was just a young pup that Maryann rescued from the SPCA and was diagnosed with Parvo within a few days of coming home and joining the pack. Stop by their blog and give Maryann and the rest of the Brat Pack your best. Durango was very lucky to have such a loving family even if it was for such a short time. Run fast and free with Dakota and Thrawn, Durango!!
'Till Next Time,
I loved youw fun facts, hehehe..you should watch whewe you go , you silly you'll huwt youwself..I know you love youw vet, but you don't want to go cause you'we huwt...I love playing keep away..it's fun..
You awe so wight , even though Durango had much too showt a life, he was loved and cawed fow vewy vewy much..my heawt goes out to the whole pack especially theiw Mom .Durango was gweeted by many of ouw sweet fwiendz
smoochie kisses
Celery, eh? Gotta get the humans to get me some so I can try that.
Run free Durango...
I feel like I'm getting to know you even better. Please watch out while jogging... seriously! Those parking meters are kind of tough on a guy's noggin!
Just what did your vet mean by "biggest boy" the day you got neutered?
Run like the wind, Durango Boy!
Goober love,
Hiya Kirby,
Those sure are great facts about yourself. This is really a great tag.
We were really sad to hear about Durango. How awful for poor Maryann and the brat pack.
Hugs and tail wags
Willow Tess & Lucy
Blogging for Noah
I love going to the vets too. Whenever we walk past I barge the door with my big Airedale head so I can go in and say hello!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Oh I would love to see a picture of your white teeth.
It's really sad about Durango. :(
~ Girl girl
Hi Kirby,
I get very concerned when a person sneezes too! I always have to go and make sure they're okay and as far as celery goes - OMG, it's the BEST! I loved all your answers! We're so sad about Durango too. His life was too short.
Yer friend,
Kirby, I can't believe that you actually enjoy going to the Vet! And you freak out when somedoggy sneezes? Woh, you're definitely not a normal dog...Haha, joking! Congrats on your award!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
are u sure u dun put ur eyes on, while u walk? that is pretty dangerous, especially during ur agility run...
Was the vet referring to your height or your jewels?
Bussie Kissies
Hi Kirby! Congrats on the award! Enjoyed reading those facts about you too! ;-)
It's always so nice to heaw fwom you!
I love you and I would miss you too..I just have to leawn to take the bad news and twy to help and be supew happy fow all the good news!!
I hope to see youw handsome face weal soon..and that's good news!
smoochie kisses
Hey Kirby...Mom was all disappointed she didn't get to see any new pictures of you! I'm really going to have to try some of that celery stuff!
Love, Herc
Hi Kirby
Well done on your reward, you are a worthy recipient. We found your fun facts very interesting, we like carrots but haven't tried celery yet.
Molly and Taffy
Kirby, man!
I love your blog. I already had it bookmarked even before I got my own blog! Good to know I'm not the only guy who doesn't like ice.
Kirby, we are so much alike! I sometimes trip over my own feet because I'm not paying attention to where I'm going. I love veggies and fruit too. Have you tried raspberries? They're really yummy! I don't care if other people sneeze, but if my girl sneezes, then I have to go check her out to make sure that she's okay.
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