Monday, February 18, 2008

Running in the snow

The weather has been pretty bad here lately, so my runs with the 'rents have been few and far between. When the weather has cooperated, Mom and Dad take me out to the lakefront path for a good long jog. Here I am running with my Dad, wondering why Mom isn't keeping up with us. "Hurry up Mom, why are you going so slow?"

When I run I like to pull on my leash. Mom thinks I'm trying to walk myself, but I'm just trying to have a little fun while exercising.
The path was covered with snow, but we kept going. For once it wasn't snowing or raining or freezing out, so we got our run in.

Woo hoo look at me go! It's just too bad no other dogs were out running too.
One minute here, got to make a pit stop. MOM, can you stop taking pictures for one second? Man, a dog can't get a break.

Got to finish running, hope you are all having a great week so far!!
'Till next time,


Asta said...

I would have wun with you gladly!!!!!!
That looks like so much fun...It's just wainy and yucky hewe
don't wowwy Kirby, Spwing is just awound the cownew!
smoochi ekisses

Lacy said...

woofies Kirby, watt fun u had in dat wants jus a little bit more den it can git iz weady to dig in dat dirt now....

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh. running in the snow sure looks pawsome. I wish I get some snow where I live too

~ Girl girl

Harry said...

Gosh, I feel tired just looking at those photos. I imagine it was a very refreshing run though.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Duke said...

We sure wish we could join you, Kirby! We both just love the snow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am a small jelly bean but I can run really really fast! I don't think you can catch me!

Amber-Mae said...

I hope your feet is not numb after waling out there...But hope you had a great walk with dad.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Par said...

You still have snow, for me no more snow for now, just cold days and crazy warm days.

Ferndoggle said...

I'd love to go for a run...but Mom is WAY outta shape. She'd probably fall over after 1/4 of a mile.


Lenny said...

Wow Kirby, that looks like a nice place to run! Very nice form! :) I'm still not crazy about running on snow. Do you put anything on your paws?

Your friend, Lenny

i said...

Hi Kirby, that sure looks fun! Hope you didn't make all that many pit stops though heh heh...

Stanley said...

Man, Kirby. Your parents are dedicated runners for sure! Looks to me like we'd have us a great time running together. Wish we lived closer.

Hey, I just saw on Faya's blog that you asked her to be your valentine. You know, she's my honorary sissy, and I totally approve!

Goober love,

Dexter said...

That jogging sure looks like hard work. I know you terriers don't worry about slipping on the ice because you guys just bounce off of things like little ping pongs.

Boing, boing, boing!

Just make sure your humans don't slip and fall on top of you.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

tell ur dad...only running offleash can enable u to stretch the muscle...

Deetz said...

Hey Kirby, we are supposed to get some of that snow tonight. It is so much fun sticking my whole face in a pile of it, and then seeing the look on my mum's face...priceless...takes her forever to get out all the lil snowballs off my face....Looks like you had lots of fun and left a present or


Deetz said...

Hey Kirby, we are supposed to get some of that snow tonight. It is so much fun sticking my whole face in a pile of it, and then seeing the look on my mum's face...priceless...takes her forever to get out all the lil snowballs off my face....Looks like you had lots of fun and left a present or


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Kirby,
Beautiful pictures!! It's scorching hot (and humid) over where I am so I am kinda envious of the nice cold weather over at your end. Wanna trade places sometime?

Noah the Airedale said...

Lordy but that looks cold Kirby. Your paws must have been freezing cold. Be careful not to catch a chill matie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Bogart H. Devil said...


That snow looks like it has lots of opportunities for fun - wish I could run in it with ya!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Kirby, I like holding the lead in my mouth too. Sometimes I won't give it back! Hehehe! J1 is such a spoilsport cos then she just puts ANOTHER lead on me so we're holding one each. J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Kirb...hey...great form, you have hills? Those kill us...we have huge ones that are really fun to run down...or to be in the car when Mumsie looses traction and we slide thru stopsigns and stuff.

We are very ready for spring...we wanna dig tulips...we know they are there!!


L said...

It looks like you had a great run in the snow.

Anonymous said...

Kirby! Wow Man, that is a whole lot of snow! We got some Saturday night, but it all melted on Sunday-Now I am a muddy mess..I love that feeling of mud in my pads and in my ears! It is just lovely!

Love, Herc

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