Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tags and Road Trips

I've been given the Whippet Challenge by Butchy and Snickers.

Patience and her Whippets have challenged all of us!
Here is her challenge:
I'm challenging bloggers to make something, anything, and post about it. Let's see what you creative people come up with! Here are the rules:
1. Make something, anything. It doesn't have to be complicated or artsy. Make a list, take an interesting picture, make some one's day, make dinner, make a doodle, make fun of yourself, make a poem, make your bed (OK, that last one is lame).2. Write a blog about it. With pictures for extra brownie points.3. Link to this blog and challenge six other bloggers to do the same.

So, Mom admits she is not very creative and doesn't make too many things, so we decided to make some chicken noodle soup together. I chose this as I love everything that goes into the soup!

Mom couldn't handle the camera why she sliced and diced, so here is our finished product as it simmered. I can vouch that the celery and carrots were fresh, as I sampled each one (several times)!

That's right Mom, give me that noodle!
Once the soup was ready, Mom put some in my bowl! How GREAT is that!!
What's this? I have to sit and wait before I chow down, so unfair!!
Mmmmm nothing beats homemade chicken noodle soup. This is so good.
Thanks for including me Butchy and Snickers. I loved cooking (and eating ) with Mom! I'm supposed to challenge another six dogs, but I've seen so many of you who have already done this challenge, so if you'd like to participate, consider your self tagged!

In other news, I am so excited. This weekend I'm taking a road trip with my parents up to Milwaukee to....see Keeley! I have been invited up to see Keeley in the fur for his second birthday party! Mom and I have picked out our gifts for the birthday boy, and I can't wait to deliver them in person. This will be my first live meeting with a fellow DWBer! Yeah!! Mom promises to take lots and lots of pictures and to post about the wonderful time I'm sure we'll have!

'Till next time,



Stanley said...


Chicken noodle soup AND a roadtrip AND meeting Keely AND a birthday party!?!

You, my man, are one LUCKY DOG!

Maybe I'll get a chance to head up to Chi-town sometime and we can hang. (That would be so cool).

Goober love & smooches,

i said...

That looks really good! Boy can you cook, Kirby!

Have fun on your trip!

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, chicken noodles all for you? You lucky pup! I bet it tasted mmmm soooo good!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dandy Duke said...

Gee, all we ever get to do is sample! We never get to eat a whole bowl of anything mom prepares! You're lucky, Kirby!
We can't wait to hear all about your visit with Keeley! How exciting!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

I imagined the noodle soup was for mum and dad, so my eyes were popping out when I saw your serving, you lucky pup!

Enjoy you meet up, happy weekend.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

The chicken noodle soup looks good Kirby.
Hey please pass on our barkday woofs to Keeley for us. Have a really good time.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Princess Patches said...

Wow, Kirby, a whole bowl just for you? You lucky dog! I bet it was yummylicious! We can't wait to hear about your adventures with Keeley!

Poppy, Penny & Pockets

Amber-Mae said...

Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

erin said...

I'm so sorry you couldn't make it to my party, Kirby. I know we would have gotten along great together. We'll have to make plans to meet in the future. I hope your mom feels better soon. My girl was sick all last week so she understands what your mom is going through.

Neko said...

That looks mmm,mmm good. Will you get your people to talk to my people. Love,Neko

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


You lucky dog...

You get a huge mastiff size portion of CNS...chicken noodle soup for the acronym challenged...

AND you get to go to Keeley's barkday a place that makes like

PAWSOME BEER!!!!!!!!!!

Jelly jelly jelly bean barks...


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