Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend & my Meme

In my family, Memorial Day Weekend is always the kickoff to cottage season! This means we load up our cars and leave the Chicagoland area and head to Michigan. What I love most about cottage season is all the dogs in the family are in one place! Wooo Hooo!

This year was especially exciting as Mom's cousin got his own dog, a Mini Pincher named Layla! Check out Layla below. She's a small thing, but she is one tough cookie with all of us big dogs. Look, the football is almost bigger than her!

We spend lots of time running around the deck and backyard. Since I don't have my own yard at home, I sure love to run round and round and round at the cottage. In the picture below you will see the two Huskies. Bailey is the white/caramel colored one and Stormy is the grey/white one.
And of course, the king of the family was there. Spencer, the eldest dog, but still the sweetie he has always been. Spence is on his new medication that helps with his achy hind legs. He has been in wonderful spirits since he started taking the new meds. Go Spence!!
Cottage time also means swimming in Lake Paw Paw (name is fitting, isn't it). I jumped right on in and was off and paddling.
I could fetch my aqua Kong for hours, but that doesn't mean I'll give it back to Mom or Dad.
Here, Layla is enjoying her first boat ride. I hope she loves the wind in her ears just as much as I do. While she was enjoying the wind, I was sneaking ice cubes out of the cooler. He he!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Oh, I can not forget that my Aussie friend Noah tagged me for the About Me Meme!

Here are the rules: The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post,the player than tags 4 or 5 people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you have posted your answer.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?I wasn't even born yet. Neither was my doggy Mom or Dad or Grandmas or Grandpas. He he!

2. What are the 5 things on my to do list for today: Wake Mom up when she doesn't get up to her alarm, go outside and great all pups of the neighborhood, nap on my couch waiting for Mom to get home from work, go to agility class and try to steal a bully stick on my way out of agility class.

3. Snacks I enjoy: CHEESE, salmon treats, peanut butter and anything that Mom and Dad are eating.

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: With all that money, I would find a way for every homeless animal to have a home, so no more animals have to be scared and lonely. I'd also want Mom and Dad to be home with me all the time, so we could always have FUN!

5. Three of my bad habits: I jump up on people when I'm greeting them, I cry/whine for no reason ALL the time and I'm food obsessive, if you've got food with you, I'm gonna be all over you!

6. Five places I have lived: I've only lived with my breeder and then with my Mom and Dad in Chi-town.

7. Five jobs I have had: Official greeter for all dogs on my street, cutest grand dog ever, alarm clock dog for Mom, jogging partner for Dad and mascot for my building.

I'm gonna go all Airedale on my tag, so Bogart, Deetz, Maggie, Mitch and Stanley if you've already been tagged, I apologize. I'm behind on my blog reading, so I don't know who's been tagged already.

'Till next time,


Amber-Mae said...

You guys stayed ina cottage & got to swim in the lake? We did too last week I mean...But it was a beach. I hope you guys had a pawsome time coz we did!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

What a lovely weekend you had,Kirby! Great job on the meme!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh looks like you doggies had lots of fun. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

What a nice memorial weekend you had, Kirby! We love hearing about Spencer!
We were already tagged for this and our lazy mom needs to help us post about it! It's so hard to find good help!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

I'm coming to the cottage!!! I want to run around with all of those doggies too. We'd have so much fun Kirby!

I jump on people too when I greet them. And sometimes I knock them over too. HA!


Princess Patches said...

What a pawsome Memorial Day weekend, Kirby! I bet it was fun to play with all those other doggies!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Cassidy said...

I be so, so jealous! That loks like the best fun ever!

Cassidy x

Niamh said...

Wow! What a nice family you have Kirby. And it is so much fun to swim. I bet you were really tired out from all that activity.

Your friend,

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Kirby, Spencer is looking great. How old is he now?
Thanks for playing the meme. Great answers matie. I'm glad I'm not the only whinging/crying airedale hee hee.

Hugs and tail wags

Dexter said...

What a great vacation.

Gaia the Airedale said...

Kirby that cottage looks great! Ill bet you have lotsa energy and room to play with! Layla looks a cute sweet pup too. Neat info about you too Kirb!

puppy breath,

Stanley said...


Looks like you had yourself a fine time at the cottage. Whoa, your fam is pretty dog crazy!

I'll get to the meme soon. I love hearing all about your background, jobs, etc. You know, I used to be a chi-town dog too, until my girl adopted me.

Goober love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh My Kirby...you got to go to a cottage and go swimming? Wasn't it freezing???

That Spencer is a handsome chap...does he date????

You look like you all had a blast!!!

Wiry barks,

fleurdelys said...

Bonjour!Nous recherchons pour notre forum des passionnés de chiens comme vous!! Toutes les races sont les bienvenues, car la diversité peut aussi unir!! Des gens sympathiques et accueillant qui seront ravis de partager votre ou vos passions!! Jetez un petit coup d'oeil, ça ne vous coutera qu'un clic!! Moi j'ai un samoyède, vous connaissez? peut etre à bientot!



ps la publicité pour les sites et blogs est autorisée!!!! Si le lien ne s'ouvre pas, copiez le et collez le dans la recherche google ou exploreur.

une de nos membre possède également un airedale terrier et aimerait partager sa passion avec d'autres propriétaire de cette jolie race. Aussi serais je ravie de t'accueillir toi et Faya à rejoindre la grande famille des fous des toutous!! bises et j'espère à bientot!.Amitiés.Fleur

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Kirby, looks like you had a pawsome time. It was fun finding out more about you in the meme! J x

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