YES, tennis balls, my favorite. I managed to break all three balls within five minutes, Grandma was amazed!
Spencer loves to open presents, especially since so many of his were food related!
I have paper issues, so I managed to eat a whole lot of paper while I unwrapped. What can I say, it's so yummy.
Got anything else with my name on it?
Mom bought Spencer one toy that she felt was appropriate for Florida, a Sting Ray.
While Spencer was napping I stole his Ray and introduced it to my Hippo. Both make absolutely wonderful pillows.
Since the weather was so nice while we were visiting, we decided to go to dog beach. This place is totally PAWSOME! Even Spencer, who hates to swim, enjoyed himself.
I was so excited, I couldn't stay in one place for too long.
Spencer was loving the feel of the water on his achy hind legs. He stayed in the water for over an hour!
Even Grandma got in the water with me. She had to hold me back when a boat came in a bit too close for comfort.
Look, my orbee made the trip to Florida too! Man, I love my orbee!
What do you mean we have to leave soon? I don't want to go!!
I got a big pat from Grandma for being such a good dog at the beach. And my good behavior was rewarded with a trip back before we headed back home!! More on that in a future post.
Ahh, it's so nice to look back at all the pics of my vacation to Florida. Especially since I'm sitting here in single digit temperatures and tons of snow. Man, I can't wait for summer!!
'till next time,