Earlier this month Mom and Dad took me to my very first street festival, Westfest! In Chicago, there are street festivals everywhere all summer long, Mom usually avoids them since they usually involve food, and I don't have the best manners around food. The reason I was lucky enough to go to Westfest is that they have a whole huge pet section called Petfest! How cool is that! I strolled the booths checking out all the new dog foods, toys and grooming products. Mom picked up some Growl and Meow foaming facial wash for me. Apparently I get my fuzzy face all sticky and gross when I eat my rawhide (amongst other things). I got a new Chicago Bears bandanna, as I outgrew my puppy Bears bandanna. Finally, I discovered a wonderful thing, doggy baby pools! Since it was super hot that day, they set up a few baby pools for all things furry to cool off in. At first I just thought it was for splashing around, but then I got it, the pool is for sitting in and cooling off! Aaaahhhhh, summertime fun!

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