Sunday, April 6, 2008

Going to the vet

What's that you say Mom, we're off to the vet? I must say that I'm usually much more excited about going to the vet, but I had just wanted Oprah's puppy mill episode, so I was a bit bummed out. All those poor dogs. Sigh. I was excited about one part of the show, the vet's office where the doggie was neutered is where I go! I've never worked with Dr. Rubin, but I hear he is top notch. Well, let's load in Mom!

Ah yes, the wait. I try to remain calm and well behaved waiting for my most favorite vet ever! Mom remembered to bring her treats this time, so if I was well behaved I would get a few treats!
Anything exciting over there? I noticed the charts were tucked far back. They must have known I'd be in today. A few visits back, I ate a few pages of my chart. Ooops, I've got a thing for paper, what can I say? Oooh, I see some treats in the jar back there too. Yummers!
Fine Mom, I'll sit and be a NICE dog for you, OK? Is this good enough? I'm about to burst with excitement, where is my doctor?
AT LAST! There she is, my most favorite person outside of my family. This is Dr. Marks, I know I've featured her before, but I feel she needs more blog space. I never mind going to the vet as long as I get to see Dr. Marks. No shot or treatment can make me angry with her. Mom and I had a great visit with her. We discussed what I've been up to and the possibility of me getting a sister dog (Mom & Dad have been inspired by Keeley getting a sister pup). Nothing is decided, but at least they're discussing it. So, all in all it was a great visit.
Thank you, Dr. Marks, for providing me with THE BEST care! I just LOVE you!!!

'Till next time,



Lacy said...

woofies and burfs kirby..dogtors can b nice to ya. heehee esp iffin dey give ya treats...sooo, ya gonna git a sissy or a bro, dats coolies...

b safe,
rocky, bear and angel lacylulu ;)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

eew... i never fancy vet...eventhough she's pretty...

i said...

Your vet sounds really nice! Getting a sister or brother soon? How nice for you!

Duke said...

Dr. Marks is sure pretty, Kirby and you're nosey in the vet's office just like I am!
A sister or brother would be so cool! We hope it happens soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

ohhhh you are lucky : your vet looks realy cool...and you will maybe have a sissy or a bro....
Kisses, Faya

Harry said...

I too love going to the vets - in fact when we walk past the office I normally head barge the door so we can go and say hello!

I would recommend a brother or sister, and that's after 4 months of being a live chew toy for Cassidy, so you know I mean it!

Toodle pip
Harry x

erin said...

Hi Kirby! I like the vet's waiting room because there are cats everywhere. But I don't like the exam room or going on the scale. You're going to get a bother or sister?!? Wow, that's exciting! At the rate things are going for me, you might even have yours before I get one! We fear there may be complications with the pregnancy and are waiting for more information about the status of my potential sister.
PS My girl says to thank your mom for the comment she left when I was being destructo-pup. I think it made her feel better.

Deetz said...

She looks like a very nice Dr. I am glad your visits with her are not scary.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I like my vet too!

Noah the Airedale said...

Well Kirby mate let me just say this... your vet visits are much more pleasant than mine!!!!!!!

Your pal

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure are good at the vet. I hope they gave you some treats

~ Girl girl

Stanley said...


I see in the last couple of photos you're showing us your "happy tongue" face! You always make my girl go, "awwwwwwwww" whenever you do that face, man.

Dr. Marks looks like a good egg. I'd give her a smooch or two if she was my doctor. (Do you ever smooch on her?)

Goober love & smooches,

Pee Ess
If you ever need to talk about getting a sissy, feel free to peemail me. My sissy's not an Airedale, but the same basic principles apply.

Lenny said...

Wow, you like your vet? Mine is nice and all, but I really don't like going. :) Hey, can I catch a ride on your charter flight to Asta's and Ruby's party? I think I'm on your way from Chicago. I missed Aire-ruby because my mom is so behind on keeping me updated on things!

Your friend, Lenny

Dexter said...

Kirby, man, as much as I love the gals, and as much as midget pee-wee is a total pain in the butt, my advise is to go with a brother. Those gals can be downright, uh, b&^%chy if you know what I mean.

Did you accidentally leave your gajingles with the vet?


L said...

We are glad that you like your vet. When we get our normal vet, we like her. The last time we went, she wasn't there and the dumb guy who was filling in put tape on our fur. We didn't like that at all.
Comet and BLU

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


I love the vet too! I hope you get a little sister!!!!

Amber-Mae said...

I don't like going to the vets either. Scawie place the smell of those places makes my hair stand... I'm sure she is the nicest doctor ever.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Patches said...

A new brother or sister? That is soooooo exciting! Two Aire-kids are way more fun than just one. It gives us someone to pick on besides our pawrents!

Poppy & Penny

Deetz said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Kirby....Bark at you Monday

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

It's great to know you love your vet and trust her. Not many dogs like there vets but I also do.

ludo the cool dude

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Kirby...a little bro or sissy? will have so much fun. Big Bruvver was home from college and was watchin Stan and me play. He said he had NO idea how much fun doggies could have together. Today we played (Stan and I) on the lifeguard chair in the family room...2 dogs, 1 of us kept fallin' off. He and Scruff play tug a war a lot...they love it!!!

Loved the vettie pix...Scruff LOVES the vet...we do ok there, but we're not like "Oh goodie, it's the vets!!!" like he does...

Scruffy's an odd duck!


Deetz said...

Hi Kirby
Happy Tuesday

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw, that's so cool Kirb... it's good to have a nice vet poking and prodding you.

A sister or brother eh? Lucky dog!


Asta said...

I've missed you come and see I put up a gillion pictoowes of my twip to Wome...I had youw toy wif me and loved even kepet me company on the plane..thanks again so much
love and smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, I wish I felt the same way about my vet! I know I should be grateful for all they've done for me, but I still hate going! Let's just say I'm not a model patient! Hehehe! J x

Deetz said...

Hi Kirby....Hope you have a great weekend.....Weather here is supposed to be superb mum says.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kirby!

I don't mind going to the vet either! I can't believe you go to a famous vet from Oprah! That must be really cool! I get lots of treats when I go to the vet-makes the trip worth-while!

Love, Herc

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