Sunday, April 5, 2009

Doggie Egg Hunt & I got some ink!

This weekend, we went to the 6th annual Doggie Egg Hunt at a local park. According to the newspaper, over 125 dogs participated, and let me tell you it looked like there were more! There were so many dogs there, that we were limited to the amount of eggs we could find. We made sure we were at the front of the line to enter the egg hunt area, so I would get some prime eggs!

As soon as we were let in the hunt area, I took off sniffing for the goodness hidden inside those little plastic eggs!
Lots of dogs didn't know they had to pop open the egg to find the treat inside, but Mom has been practicing with me, so I was good t go!
There were mini dog bones in the eggs and they were delish!
Mom thought the wooden bunnies by the doors were so cute and wanted to get a picture with me and the bunny. Not so fast Mom, I don't want to stand here while there are so many dogs around!
OK, that's enough! I'm outta here, I've got so many dogs I need to meet!!
Oh, while I was hunting up some eggs, a photographer with the Chicago Sun Times was following me around, and guess what, my picture ended up in the Sunday paper (page 8)! Woo hooo! Here is the picture that was used, apparently not many dogs were opening the eggs on their own, so the photographer was quite impressed with me! Grandma was so proud when Mom told her I was in the paper, she said I got some ink, whatever that means! I just like being the most famous Kirby in Chicago. He he!!

'Till next time,


Niamh said...

What a great job Kirby and now you are famous!!! Maybe people will want your autograph. You would make a terrific tracking dog since you found and opened all those eggs. It sounds like a fun event. I wish we had one here.

Your friend,

Dexter said...

What are dog eggs? Dogs lay eggs?

Of course your photo was in the paper. Obviously you were the handsomest and smartest guy there.


Asta said...

CONGWATULATIONS! Wow that is a big deall1 a vewy famous newspapew and you wewe in it ..fow being clevew and handsome and so photogenic! That is way cool!
Thanks fow the good wishes fow my pawents.
smoochie kisses

Fred said...

A treat-egg hunt? Very cool! And your picture in the paper? Even cooler!

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG.. You are famous now Kirby!! We are impressed that you can open the egg by yourself.. we wouldn't know how to do that!
Hope you had fun!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG.. You are famous now Kirby!! We are impressed that you can open the egg by yourself.. we wouldn't know how to do that!
Hope you had fun!!

Duke said...

Congratulations on being a star, Kirby - but we already knew that! *wink*
We wish we had an Easter egg hunt for doggies in our area! That would be fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey way to go matie. Now everyone in the windy city will know the famous Kirby dale!!!
Sounds like a great day out.

Noah x

Lucia said...

Ciao bello Kirbs!

I just noticed that your bloggie design is very much like mine -- fantastica coincidenza! I knew we were destined to be buddies, and this proves it! (Although of course, yours has a magnifica fotografia in the header -- ahh, bella citta and bello cane!)

Congratulazioni on the "ink'!! Now you will be followed everywhere by the pupparazzi...!!

Tanti baci!

erin said...

Kirby, that sounds like it was so much fun! I wish there was something like that here. Good job opening up the eggs! Cool too that you were in the paper.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, the Egg Hunting game is just soooper fun! Good job in finding those eggies!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley said...


YOu are the most famous Kirby in all the world, man! And, in GooberStan, you are the ONLY Kirby!

I'm not surprised you made the paper. You're a clever guy and you have a great PR person in your mama. She even prepped you for the egg opening. I'm sure the photographer got a raise and maybe a promotion for getting such a great shot of you!

Tell your mama that we Dales generally don't pose with bunnies... we EAT them!

Goober love & smooches,

L said...

How cool that you are now famous! We don't think we have any egg hunts here. Comet wouldn't have been allowed to stand next to the bunny - he would have marked it.
Congrats on finding all the treats and getting your picture in the paper.

Princess Patches said...

When we read the title, we thought you got a tattoo! Looks like the egg hunt was loads of fun! Happy Easter!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Lenny said...

Congratulations on your fame, Kirby! nice job with those eggs! You are so clever!!

Your friend, Lenny

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