Friday, March 7, 2008

Daycare cought on tape

Mom was checking out the website for the Bark Bark Club, that's where I went to daycare this week, and she found that they take videos of the dogs during the day and post them to their website. Here's the video from Tuesday, my first day there. You watch and tell me if the Airedale on tape looks like a 'senior'.

I think I look like a fairly crazy one year old. Mom says that most 'senior' dogs she knows don't even act 'senior'. So ha, maybe I was calm, but wouldn't you be after doing the zoomies?

'Till next time,


Faya said...

In fact you all look and act like young
Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

You sure don't look like a senior to us! All of you look like you were having a blast! How neat that the daycare takes videos! Great idea!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

woofies Kirby, u wuz chasin them all...u not lookies old to me...wowzers watt a fun time u all had...dat iz a pawsome idea...

b safe,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

how nice...that club suits me well, coz i juz love to bark, bark n bark...

occasionally howl..

Urban Smoothie Read said...

there was so much fun at the daycare centre...with all the chasing and wrestling with other doggies...i wouldn't wan to go home!

The Black and Tans. said...


Your daycare looks fun and you are allowed on the furniture!! Great to see you enjoying yourself.

Molly and Taffy

Harry said...

If you're a senior what does that make me?!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

What a great idea. Now your pinkys can see how much fun you're having. How could they think you were a senior dog.....that's silly. You acted like a well mannered young airedale lad!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

i said...

Your day care looks really fun! You don't look or act like a senior at all, Kirby!

Stanley said...

You're crazy, Kirby boy! I loved watching you do your zoomies!

THat last clip, featuring the yellow lab... it looks like you're all waiting in line & having an audience with the Pope. After they bless you, you move on...

You KILL me, bud.

Goober love & smooches,

Amber-Mae said...

You are very calm in the video. I'm usually like that too unless my tennis ball is there!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Bogart H. Devil said...

Looks like LOADS of fun!!!



L said...

Maybe a senior in high school!!! heheheheh. It looks like you had fun in day care.

Asta said...

SENIOR????awe they bawking mad???
You look like a playfull puppy..sheeesh!
That weally looks like fun..I wish you lived close by , so you and I could play..I think we'd get along gweat!
You look so vewy handsome!
smoochie kisses,Asta

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh that looks real fun with so many doggie friends

~ Girl girl

Princess Patches said...

Stanley's right, the end of that video looks like the labradog is blessing each of you. You certainly don't look like a senior dog!

Poppy, Penny & Pockets

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa...we didn't even know you were a senior Dale...I mean you always act so young, Kirby and this video proves it. Your peeps must have you barkday wrong by quite a few years.

I started goin' to daycare too!!! They just opened a place up by our house, but it doesn't have a sofa...I'm going work on that...

I sorta shred Scruffy and Lacie'
s pee pads when I'm in the puppy room we have here when I'm waiting for the dog walker. That seems to disturb Mumsie...don't know why...

So it's gonna be daycare...I love it!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kirby Dude! Hope all is well with you...Any more snow? We are hopefully done for the year! I've been enjoying my walkies in 55 degree weather!

Love, Herc

Deetz said...

Hi Kirby
Daycare looks like alots of fun. I loved watching the videos, you are sooo fast. My mum put up some videos of Gizmo and I, hope you come and see them. Bark at you soon

Asta said...

Hi Kirby
Hope you're having some mowe fun!!!
love to watch you play
smoochie kisses,Asta

Lenny said...

Hey Kirby, you certainly don't look like a senior. You look like a movie star!

That's so cool they make the video. The Bark Bark Club looks like fun. I'm so sad because my daycare/kennel, Bark'n Buddies, went out of business!!! Maybe if my parents go out of town they'll drive me up to Chicago to come hang out with you at the Club. :)

Your friend, Lenny

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