Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hunting for the perfect egg

Today was the Doggie Egg Hunt hosted by the Chicago Park District. I had E-Coli last year, so I wasn't able to go, so I was psyched to be going this year!
We got to the park a bit late, so most of the eggs had already been found (not to hard to hide them, when we got 8 inches of snow yesterday). I nosed around looking for the one egg that hadn't been found and eaten already.
Yoo hoo, any treats in there?
Ah hah! Victory, a hidden egg, mmm give me that dog bone! Yummy!
While searching for eggs, I also found time to make a few new friends. Check out this handsome German Shepard pup. He was up for my favorite game, bitey face!
After I managed to uncover three eggs, and Mom and Dad were pretty sure I found all that was left, we headed inside to check out the Easter bonnet parade. After the parade they announced it was time for the trick contest, but no pups would go up and do a trick. After one brave volunteer went up and was too scared to perform, Dad brought me up and we did high-five and roll over. Nothing spectacular, just my usual tricks. Sorry, we don't have any pictures or video of my tricks, as Mom was too slow with the camera. About ten or so dogs went after me, seems like we broke the ice. Then they announced that the English Terrier won the trick contest. Mom, Dad and I all looked around for the English Terrier, when the lady said the terrier in the blue bandanna. Hey wait, that's me! Outta my way people, this pup has to claim his prize!
Here's Dad and I getting our prize, a dog appropriate Easter basket!
Here I am posing with my prize. Mom and Dad were so proud, they never thought we would win in a million years, but here I am, Kirby, champion of the tricks (at the Chicago Doggie Egg Hunt at least)!
Here's a close up of my prize. I got all kinds of goodies. Treats, bones, candy for the hoomans, a ball and a gift certificate to The Barking Lot, where I take my classes and Mom gets my food, so she says she gets the gift certificate. I'm not gonna fight her on that one.
Happy Easter to every bunny!! I'm gonna go snag some of my treats now!!
'Till next time


Bogart H. Devil said...

Gooooooooooooooooooooo Airedales!!!!

Congrats Kirby, nice work!


Noah the Airedale said...

Yay way to go Kirby. We knew you'd win, you're so clever you English Terrier you!!! lol.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Faya said...

Congratulations Kirby !!!
Happy Easter... Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa, Congratulations, Kirby! We've never been to an Easter egg hunt before! What fun!

Happy Easter to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

i said...

Congrats Kirby! Way to go! Happy Easter!

Stanley said...

Viva La Kirbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Way to go, man! You did all of us English Terriers proud.

Now, go get those treats.

Goober love & Easter smooches,

Harry said...

Very wel done Kirby, what a star you are. Sounds like you need to educate someone on what an AIREDALE looks like though!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation, kirby....

you make ur dad n mum so proud...

once u won ur 1st prize, many more prizes will follow suit....juz keep going..

Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, what a fun game! I bet I'll be able to search fro some as eggies are mah favorite & my nose does function well, sometimes...Hope you had fun~!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Neko said...

Looks like you are having a great Easter Kirby. Your German Shepherd friend looks cute, I have a new Italian Shepherd friend named Roma. Enjoy all of your yummy treats.Love,Neko

erin said...

That looks like a totally pawsome event!
Congrats on your prizes, Kirby!

L said...

That egg hunt looks like a lot of fun. Good job finding them!

Deetz said...

Congratulations Kirby!!!!! That looked like so much fun and a happy happy day!!! You rock. I hope I get to go on an egg hunt next year. Thank you Kirby, for your prayers. Gizmo got a second chance from the doctor, so he is still with us. It was a Good Friday afterall.

Princess Patches said...

Congrats, Kirby! You rule! It's just amazing how many people don't know what an Airedale looks like! The need to visit DWB!

Poppy & Penny

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Kirby you clever thing all those prezzis in the basket.Glad you found some eggs in the park too.
you had a very lucky day.

Well done.

Ludo the cool dude

Asta said...

Congwatulations!!! That is so fantastic, not only did you do the bestest twick, but you bwoke the ice so othews could be a little bwave..english tewwiew?????good gwief..they should leawn theiw doggies heheheI hope you enjoyed all youw tweats!!!
love and smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah that sure is pawsome that you win the trick contest Kirby. :) You sure look very handsome in your blue bandana

~ Girl girl

Dexter said...

Wow! Amber-Mae better watch out with you starting to win trick prizes!
How can anybody NOT know what an Airedale is, I mean, really...


Ferndoggle said...

Way to go Kirby!! You did an excellent job. Enjoy your treats!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

I can't believe they thought you were some other type of four legged human...I mean c'mon, I thought we were known everywhere as Airedales, kings of the world!!! Or the King of Terriers I guess!

Congrats for winning, and good for you for starting up the crowd! We lead, everyone else follows, eh?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Asta said...

Guess what!!!
I got a bootiful pwesent fwom you today!!! I can't believe how thoughtful and sweet you is so cheewy and pawfect..I might save it fow my twip to Italy, so I have a new stuffy to destuff if it wains and I'm suck in a hotel woom..Thank you so much my deaw fwiend!!!You awe a doll!
smoochie kisses

erin said...

I've made up my mind. I must have my own egg hunt for sure next year!
PS I tagged you on my blog!

Willow the Black Dale said...

Hi there I am Willow, a Black Dale. Your Easter Egg Hunt looked fun. Maybe I could come next years since I am over here in Michigan.
I would love to be your friend. We should link up! Airedales rock!!
barking happy,

Asta said...

I wish I would be thewe at the same time as youw would be so nice to meet hew..I get to fly at Mommi's feets in a twavel bag that I've used when I take a cab, so I'm used to it..I'm so excited about my new stuffie..I'm taking it along and will be thinking of you and having gelato and hoping you can taste it..I will close my eyes and concentwate weal hawd to let you get a you sweet Kirby
smoochie kisses

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

An English that's a new one...must be a brand new breed or somethin' wonder you were lookin' round for the other dawg!!!

Great Easter your snow gone YET???

This is the longest winter!

Go Dales!!!!!


Lenny said...

Wow, Kirby, congratulations!! That's awesome!
I know tricks but I never behave in public. ;)

Is there any such thing as an English terrier?

Your friend, Lenny

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