Friday, October 3, 2008

Good News!

I'm a happy pup today cuz I got good news from my vet! The Orthopedic/Radiologist consultation came back and they felt everything in my x-rays looked OK. They agreed that I do have a soft tissue injury in my right hind leg, so the alternative vet as my Mom calls Dr. Mayer, has put together a 6-week rehab plan for me. They've got a mix of therapeutic exercise, underwater treadmill, ultrasound and resistance pool work planned for me. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm psyched about the swimming! Thank you to you all for your positive thoughts, your concern meant so much to me! I've got Mom charging up the camera battery, so she can capture every moment of my rehab! This should be interesting!!

'Till next time,


Lacy said...

w00f's Kirby, me iz sooo glad it was good news from the hopes all dat swimmin will help u get to feeling better...

b safe,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hey Kirby!!!

Glad to hear that it's not something more serious, I hope you're feeling good...

Rehab... sounds like there could be some pampering in there to me!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Kirby...we are so glad you got good news from ur vettie!!
(And you had the most handsome xray's I've ever seen!!!!!)

So hydrotherapy...that sounds like just plain fun to me!! Where are you going to be swimming??? It's gonna be getting cold soon...maybe ur peeps should install a hot tubbie for you could have a pawty...for all of us...WOOT!

Let me know if you need any lifeguardin' done when you're swimmin' ok? I'm certified.


(Kirby..Scruffy here...Lacie can not not trust her for lifesavin' skills.....)

Barkin' at ya...Scruffy

Noah the Airedale said...

That's great news Kirby. The rehan sounds interesting. We reckon you'll love it especially all the swimming you'll get to do.


Duke said...

What great news, Kirby! We are so happy that you'll be swimming your way to being totally healthy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

Yay! Glad that is only a soft tissue injury and not your bones. Sounds like you have a great rehab planned. I'd like anything with swimming.

Your friend,

Dexter said...

Sounds like you are on the road to recovery! The rehab should be fun for you. Can't wait to see the movies.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Kirby,
So glad to hear the good news from your vet! The underwater treadmill sounds like fun!

Asta said...

That's gweat news!!!
I'm sooo welieved!
The wehab should be gweat..sounds like a spa..I don't know why Amy Weinhouse didn't want to go..silly hooman
smoochie kisses
pee ess you awe welcome at my house fow dinnew any time

Princess Patches said...

Woohoo, Kirby! We're sure glad it isn't something serious! We can't wait to see the water therapy pictures!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

P. said...

I'm very glads to hear your going to be ok! An underwater treadmill huh? Sounds like a pool party to me!

Tail Wags,

L said...

We're glad to hear that it isn't your bones. Once you are better, we think you should pretend that you are still sore just so your people have to take you to swimming rehab every day?

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh gosh Kirby

We have been away on holiday and just read all about your xrays over the past week or so. It must have been so worrying for you and your pawrents. We are just so pleased the results are good. Enjoy all your hydrotherapy sessions they sound fun.

Take care.

Molly and Taffy

Urban Smoothie Read said...

gla to hear about ur good news...

i said...

Hi Kirby, glad to hear that. Can't wait to see pictures of you doing the therapy.

Have a good weekend!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's so pawsome that you got good news Kirby..

~ Girl girl

Bogart H. Devil said...

Just checking in ya Kirby, hope you're doing GREAT!


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Great news thats its not to serious you must still rest up and take care.

Ludo the cool dude.

Putter said...

Hi Kirbster! OMG! OMG! OMG! I am so happiest ever for you! I need to look back at your bloggie to SEE what was going on with your leggie, but it sounds like what happened to ME when I was a puppy! The ultimate diagnosis was soft tissue and I rehabbed accordingly ... SWIMMIES CURED ME Kirby! Can your Mom find a doggie pool for you? It is the best ever cure ...! Let me know if I can help! I am so happy that you are okay!


Putter ...!

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