So, it's time for agility graduation, again. Not that I don't love graduation, but this is the second time I've graduated from this same class (Basic Agility II). Before I move onto a competitive class, I'll need to take this class up to six times, that means a lot more graduations to share with you all!

Best part of graduation, besides running the course, is getting to eat the treats! I ate all my treats, but still wanted more, so I started in on my plate. Oops, guess I got a bit carried away.

Now, if you are familiar with my blog, you'll know that mom has posted videos of my agility stuff before. Several doggies have commented that they would love to try agility, but they need to work on their obedience. So, I say, try it anyways! I totally don't listen during class. I was voted class clown, as I ignore my dad and do whatever it is that I feel like doing! Mom creatively edits out the several (six usually) starts I need to do before I get a clean run in. It's not that I mess up on the course, it's cuz I don't want to sit and stay to start. What can I say, I'm a proud disobedient dog! Mom has video to share, but it just won't upload. She is so frustrated, that she said she'll post it later. Whatever lady. I need my accomplishments shared with my pals, but alas, she's my typist, so I have to bow down to her on this one.
'Till next time,
Congratulations on graduation #2! That's awesome, Kirby! We're so proud of you! Enjoy those treats - every single one of them. Hey, don't eat that plate!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofies Kirby, heehee not eats da plate...congrats on ur gradeation...u a smart doggy...
b safe,
Oh congrates on graduation part 2 Kirby. You sure look cute trying to eat the plate. You're the class clown? I'm sure you're a cutie
~ Girl girl
Many congratulations, Kirby!
Your friend, Lenny
but i wonder y u need to graduate for 6 times...
Congratulations on your Graduation, Kirby!
I agree with you that even dogs who need more obedience should give agility a try. I first took "Puppy Foundation for Agility Training" when I was 10 months old and my humans thought that it really helped me learn to listen to them better.
Right now I'm taking "Beginner Agility" and my girl says you sound a lot like me. I'm the class clown too!
Kirby Bud!
Congratulations, man! I can't even imagine doing agility, but I'm might put a bug in my girl's ear about getting Stella started on it. It might help her burn off some of her puppy energy!
My girl just wanted me to say that she thinks you are one of the cutest Aireboys she's ever seen, and she'd like to reach through the pooter and give you a big mooshy hug! (I'm rolling my eyes here, bigtime!)
Goober love,
That's great advice, and cheers us all up a bit. I'm too young at 6 months to start agility, but we really want to - only my obedience is a bit hit and miss. I'm smart but wilful, if you know what I mean. Selective deafness is one of my traits.
Nice blog! I will be saving this page to my favorites for sure.
dog agility equipment
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