I'm very sad today, as I just found out my best bud Parker has incurable cancer. Parker has not been 100% for awhile now, and his parents just found out that he has a large growth on his pituitary gland. It's hard for me to understand. He looks OK, has been playing with me like usual, so I just don't get how a 10 month old puppy could be so sick. His Mom and Dad want to make his remaining days as wonderful as possible, so this means plenty of play dates. Please keep Parker and his parents in your prayers.
'Till next time,
Oh dear. that's so sad. I'll keep my paws crossed for Parker and hope that he'll be able to get well
~ Girl girl
Oh no Kirby, that is terrible. How very sad. Parker is so young. That's not fair.
Take it easy matie.
Hugs and tail wags to you and Parker,
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
I'm sorry, Kirby! Parker is so young and so handsome! Enjoy your romp with him! He's in our prayers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh non... it is terrible. 10 month...poor little puppy. You will have to play a lot with him and take care of him ok ?
Kisses, Faya
Oh such sad news Kirby. Poor baby! We'll keep our paws crossed for Parker & are sure you'll do your part to make his last days as fun as possible!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
We are praying hard for Parker to stay healthy for as long as possible.
Harry and Katy xxx
OH Kirby!
I am so sorry to hear about Parker! That is so incredibly sad ... Please know that we are thinking of him and of you too, okay ... take good care of Parker in those playdates and of yourself too, okay!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
I'm sorry, Kirby. There is no answer for this, is there?? You're a caring dog to wanna be there for ur bud...we'll keep him in our thoughts and prayers...
Scruffy and Lacie
Hey Kirby, so sorry to hear about your pal Parker. I had a tumour removed from my neck earlier this year so I know how tough it can be. I'll keep my paws crossed that he stays well for as long as possible. J x
Oh Kirby
That is so awful, your poor friend and he is so young.
Keeping our paws crossed you have lots more days together.
Molly and Taffy
Parker will cewtainly be in my pwayews..that's tewwible..he looks like such a happy healthy bootiful puppy! Play youw heawts out togethewgive him all the love you can!
I'm sending extwa special smoochie kisses
I'm sorry to hear this, Aire Dood.
Aw Kirby that's so sad... my best buddy Heidi the Boxer also just found out that she has incurable cancer so I feel ya...
I hope every day is Christmas for Parker - sending big Aire Kisses
I'm so sorry about Parker. He looks like a great pup and he's only just begun his life. Extra prayers and goober love for him & his parents. Glad he knows you, man!
Goober love to you & your peeps,
Thanks fow the compliments on ouw costoomes..we missed you at the pawty..I've been thinking of youw deaw fwiend..I'm pwaying fow him!
Thanks fow the invite..maybe someday????
smoochie kisses
woofies Kirby, me shure will keep Parker and his family in me prayers...mayb he will gets better...me hopies sooo.
b safe,
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