On Sunday, I went over to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. I love to visit there. After years of suburban Chicago living, they moved out to the country. Now they live in a super cool log house on ten acres and they have their own lake! It is dog heaven out there, trust me! Whenever I visit, we go for long walks around the lake. Mom took this shot from the back deck, see how big their yard is! This city dog loves to get out and stretch his legs.

There's the lake I love. Nothing beats jumping in for a quick dip. Since I was just groomed, Dad said the lake was off limits. I'm not sure I agree with that.

Grandma and Grandpa have their own Airedale, Spencer. Spencer will be 12 years old on Halloween. I just love Spencer. I bark and lunge at him incessantly, but he still doesn't want to play with me. Grandma says it's because he's older and just doesn't want to play anymore, but I think if I keep trying, he will eventually give in and play.

I love to run through the yard over and over again. I'm always on patrol for natures little creatures and Angel and Jordan, the golden retrievers next door.

Hmmm, maybe no one will notice if I jump in and take a quick swim. Oh, what's that Dad, NO swimming? OK, I guess.

Whatever Spencer does, I have to mimic, so when he grazes in the lawn, so do I.

One of the best things about going to Grandma and Grandpa's house is the horses next door. I love to go over and say Hi to as many of the pretty horsies. Most were out in the pens since it was such a nice fall day. Hello, Mr. Horse. Do you have a blog? I do...

Spencer visits the horses all the time, so he's not as curious as I am. Now me, I want to know everything the horses do. Here I'm asking where those delicious apples they eat are kept.

Hey, what are you doing to my Grandma? She belongs to me, I'm her favorite. Grammy, do you need help?

Some horses were still inside, well hello there big fella. So very nice to meet you.

After the horse barn, it was back to the yard. Got to roll around and act silly. I don't usually have unlimited space for my daily rolling.

Finally, I was trying to interest Grandpa in a game of tug. I hope he doesn't mind playing with my broken Wubba.

I was so sad when it was time to head home, but fear not. I'll be back in two weeks for Spencer's birthday party. Now, that will be a GOOD time!
'Till next time,
That's such a pawsome log house with so much space to run and roll about in. Those horsey looks friendly
~ Girl girl
That looks like the most gowgeous place evew!! the hose, the yawd,the lake and fwiends and welatives to play with..sounds heavenly!!!
You must love to go thewe..what a tweat ! I bet youw gwampawents awe supew happy when you come too!
I wish I had gwampawents!
smoochie kisses
Kirby, for the record I just want to say your grandfolks place is HEAPS better than ours. You're one lucky dale matie. A lake, a horse another airedale. You've got it all. So does the horse have a blog?
The gals say hi and send hugs and tail wags.
Wow! What a yard for racing around in! Spencer looks like a sweet boy! Maybe one day he'll give in and play with you, Kirby!
Love ya lots,
i bet u had a great adventure while visiting ur grandparents...
playing with spencer n other horsie
You are really lucky to have grandparents with so much land for you to run around in. We are quite envious.
That lake looks sooooooooo tempting, we couldn't have possible kept our paws out of it.
Molly and Taffy
Hello ~ I Bark your blog:O)
Hope you stop by mine sometimes, so we can make friends.
Tailwags Sir Chancelot
That looks like a lot of fun, Kirby! Glad you had a good time! Hopefully Spencer will want to have more fun at his party.
Your friend, Lenny
Yo Kirby...bring Spencer to the costume barkday pawty...I bet we could get the old boy loosened up a bit. Tell him Harry's coming from the UK...he's 10, so Spencer won't be the only elder gent there. What a great place you have to go and visit. Lacie thinks the horsies are great big Airedales. She can be such a pup sometimes. Do the horsies like to chew great big wubbas? I bet they can catch a mean frisbee!!!
Equine barks, Scruffy
What a fun time you had young Kirby. Spencer seems like a nice old chap. I will probably sympathise with him in a couple of weeks when I have a pup hanging off my beard!
Toodle pip,
Hary x
Loved the photos with Kirby and the horse. Looks like he had an excellent day.
U R one lucky doggie!!! Did you manage to get some Horsie poopie on your fur?! I would so love to roll myself in the poopie!!!
So cool Kirby! You're lucky to have such a great place to visit!!!
Your grandma & grandpa's place is so cool! Plenty of roachin' space, a pond, and horses and other animals!!
Let me just say that I love your roachin' photo. You have very good form... almost like a professional!
Goober love,
I'm coming right to Chicago & we're gonna go hangout at your grandparents place, 'kay???
I might never leave.
Spencer sounds like Sherman...'cept Sherman is a huge grouch.
Wow, what a beautiful place! I don't like horses much so I don't think I'd be too impressed with them unless they handed over some carrots or apples! Hehehe! J x
what great place to visit. All that space just makes us energised, doesn't it? You're braver than me with horses though; I go all grumpy and nervy and bark a bit. I think they deerve it for eating all the apples though.
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