Today they gave me the traditional Airedale cut. Minus the goatee. Mom is adamant that I can't complete in Stanley and Maggie's beard growing contest.
Well, I'm off to bed. Grooming always makes me super sleepy. See you all real soon!
The life and times of Kirby, an Airedale out and about in Chicago
Today they gave me the traditional Airedale cut. Minus the goatee. Mom is adamant that I can't complete in Stanley and Maggie's beard growing contest.
Well, I'm off to bed. Grooming always makes me super sleepy. See you all real soon!
I think you look exceptionally dappew!! I think it was wowth it! I too get vewy tiwed aftew gwooming..my beawd won't even gwow,so I don't think I can compete..but I guess since I'm a giwl that's OK!
We should have a DWB pokew night fow suwe!
smoochie kisses
You look cute like a puppy after the grooming session Kirby. :)
Do you cuddle with your teddy bear when you sleep?
~ Girl girl
Kirby mate, my sissys are going crazy looking at that piccie of you with your new airecut. Have to say, you look very handsome.
Shame about the beard comp though.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
woofies kirby, u lookies sooo handsomely there wiff u new fur do...mama and daddy alwayses gimme my baff, heehee dat way i nos who to give da dirty loookies too...
b safe,
Nice 'do Kirby boy. You look very smart indeed. Hope you had a nice nap.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
You're lookin' good, buddy! And, I know what you mean about getting tired from being groomed. I once fell asleep standing on the table!
Sorry you won't be joining us in the contest, but you've been great abot encouraging us along!
Goober love,
You look so handsome, Kirby!
Don't worry about the beard growing contest! There will be other stuff that comes along that you'll ace, I'm sure!
Love ya lots,
Hi Kirby
You are looking real posh now. What a shame you cannot grow your beard long, hey ho, perhaps another time
Molly and Taffy
Very handsome, Kirby!
Your friend, Lenny
Your hair looks fabulous.I linked you to my new blog.
Hey there, this is my first visit to your blog. I'm sure I'll be checking in more.
Nice do. I'm still trying to convince Mama that I can win the beard competition. So far, she won't hear of it. Darn...
Hi Kirby
gosh don't you look posh after your grooming session. We somehow manage never to be clean and always muddy at this time of year. Cora says thanks for the encouragement about her digging - shes intent on being supper muddy!!
Have a great weekend.
The Thugletsx
Kirby I think you look fantastic with your new Aire-cut... my beard could definitely win for dirtiest if not longest...
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