The life and times of Kirby, an Airedale out and about in Chicago
'Till next time,
'Till next time,
Mon Dog, or Dog Beach, as most Chicago dogs know it, is a great beach. It is situated right on the shore of Lake Michigan, and it is HUGE! The area is fenced off, so no doggies can escape, so it is off leash fun for all dogs. Mom took this picture to give you an idea of the size of the beach. Today, we went around mid-day, so it wasn't as crowded as it is when we go in the mornings, but there were still plenty of pooches to play with.
When we go to the beach, I always bring one of my 'water toys'. Todays choice was my aqua kong. Here I am with my trusty kong after a big wave hit me.
My Dad likes to throw the kong out really far, so I have to work hard to get it back. Today, they were a lot more waves than normal, so I had to fight through those to get my kong.
Besides swimming, the beach is great for socializng. I love to meet and greet all the different doggies.
Mom likes when I check in with her while I'm playing. She says I'm a crazy fool at the beach, so every so often she calls me over to make sure I'm behaving myself. Yes mom, I'm being a good boy.
I love to play with all the doggies at the beach, and even more I like to play with the toys they bring with them. Here I am chasing this guy down with his great training toy.
After our time at the beach, Mom and Dad decided I was too sandy to go straight home. They felt I needed a bath anyways, so off to Soggy Paws we went. Mom loves the Soggy Paws motto, "Wash your dog, dry your dog, go home, we clean up the mess." I'm not a fan of baths, so I have to be attached to the tub. Apparently, I'm known as an escape artist.
Here's Dad washing me down. It took nearly two bottles of shampoo to get all the sand out of my fur!
The do it yourself bath does come with a professional dog facial. Here they are cleaning up my face with a mango face wash. Not only does this stuff smell good, but I kept licking it, so it must taste good too.
Are we done yet? After a quick towel dry, Mom and Dad decide there is no need for the dryer today. I will finish drying off at home. Finally, we're going home. I'm pooped after this super busy day.
'Till next time,
Lucky and I just can't get enough of one another.
After so much play, I need to take a break and get some water. The dog parks in Chicago come with 'dog sized' water fountains, which I'm a huge fan of. In case of emergency, mom and dad did teach me how to use the human sized fountain as well, but I'm partial to the pup sized version.
When the weather is warmer, there is a sprinkler set up to help keep the pups cool. It has taken me all summer long, to get comfortable with walking up to the sprinkler, but now I loooove it! Nothing beats a drink straight from the source.
To fully cool myself down, I often need to lay in the puddle the sprinkler makes. Mom and dad get mad when I drink from the puddle, but I try to sneak a lick or two when they're not looking. He he!
After I've rested up and drank my fill of water, it's back to playing. This little guy looks like he'll be fun!
'Till next time,
Yet before I was even an option, there was a long line of dogs (especially airedales!) that were part of my moms life. My mom grew up in a 'dog' family. She says she really can't remember a time in her life where there wasn't a dog running around in their house.
Mom's first dog was part of the family before she was, his name was Bouncer and he was a Cockapoo. Bouncer was a great who lived for 16 wonderful years. Grandma always says that if Bouncer hadn't of been such a good dog, the string of airedales that followed him would never have existed.
In Bouncer's upper years, Grandma and Grandpa decided to help a friend out who was having trouble selling their airedale puppies (I know, this can't be true!) and Skipper came home. Skipper was the ultimate family dog. He was well behaved, loving and an all around perfect dog. Skipper was with moms family for four short, but loved years before an immune defficiency got the best of him.
After Skippers passing, Grandma and Grandpa didn't know what to do, but mom and Uncle John begged for another dog, so along came Sabastian. Sabastian was a sassy momma's boy, who managed to charm everyone he met. He was a true airedale through and through meaning, he was as stubborn as, well, as I am. Sadly, like Skipper, Sabby was only with moms family for four short years before he too passed away.
Before Sabastian's passing, grandma and grandpa adopted an airedale whose owner had recently passed away and needed a home. Samantha was welcomed into moms house and was spoiled as she was the first female dog they had ever had. Samantha was first and foremost a lady who loved her family. When grandma and grandpa moved to the country, Sammy became the ultimate country dog who loved to visit with the horses next door. Sammy passed away a few years ago from the all too often airedale afflction, lymphoma, but her wonderful behavior is still spoken of today.
Savannah was adopted from ATRA, Airedale Rescue. She was the ultimate spitfire of grandma and grandpa's dogs. She came to their house snarling and biting, but with love and proper care, the beast was tamed, and Savannah became a model airedale. Vanny crossed the rainbow bridge earlier this summer after 15 amazing years. I was happy that I was able to meet her, and while she didn't want to puppy play with me, Savannah always knew when to stand with her family.
Now, grandma and grandpa just have Spencer. I just love Spencer, but mom says Spence feels the verdict is still out on me. Perhaps I'm still too much puppy for him. I just love to go over to grandmas and follow Spencer anywhere he goes. As you can see in the pictures below, I think everything he does is just great!
No matter how much I bark, he just won't play with me!
Here I am following Spencer around the backyard, no matter where he went, I was all over that doggie!
Finally, Spencer gives in and shows me around his lake.
Got to nap just like the big boys.
So, as you can see, I am following a spectacular group of dogs and have a lot to live up to. Mom says that she's confident I'm up to the task, and will make all the dogs who have gone before me proud. Mom, I sure hope you're right!
'Till next time,