According to my mom, I have separation anxiety. I don't go crazy or anything, I just cry a bit when mom and dad leave. It's not even each time they leave, just when we've been having a good time. Hey, what dog wants a good time to end? Not this one. Well, mom discussed my issues with my vet, and she recommended THE CUBE.

The cube is to keep me occupied when my parents leave, so I can focus my energy elsewhere. Before mom and dad leave, they pour a handful of kibble into the opening and shake it up a bit. The kibble slides within the cube falling into different compartments. To get the kibble out you have to roll, flip, push, and kick the cube around and a piece or two of kibble will roll out.

Well, I've become obsessed with the cube. As soon as mom puts it down I go after it like a mad man. I push that cube around and around until , well until it usually gets stuck somewhere. That cube likes to find its way under chairs, tables and into corners. Then I usually paw and paw and paw until I pull it out or it sits there 'till mom and dad come home and find it.

The cube, its a fun, but FRUSTRATING toy. I just can't understand why it doesn't pour out the kibble. A piece at a time, come on!

'Till Next Time,
I'd go mad twying to get the kibble out..jeez that would be fwustwating, but I guess it's gweat when it fainally comes out..I suwe hope it helps you feel less anxiety about sepawation...I'm an onliest kid too and it gets lonely sometimes..I'd come visit if we lived closer
lots of smoochie kisses
Kirby, the cube sounds like a great idea. Hopefully it will help you so you don't stress. Good luck.
When I was a wee lad, I sometimes cried a bit when left alone. So they got me a whole bunch of sisters.......sigh.
Our Oscar loved his Buster Cube to, but he wouldn't half smash it around the place! I'm sure we must have Cube dents all over our skirting boards!
Katy xxx
I had one of those and it used to frustrate me to no end! I decided that the best way to get the food out was to chew off all the corners! Mom didn't agree and she took it away from me! Mom is sure mean sometimes!
Love ya lots,
Hi Kirby,
I hope youw pawents take you out somewhewe special..not only would you get some yummies,but people passing by could see youw gowgeousness and admiwe you and give you scritchies
smoochie kisses
Kirby Boy!
It sounds like you have a very intimate relationship with your cube. Those hoomans sometimes come up with the darnedest things. I'm hoping it's been helping with the separation anxiety. You love your peeps, what can you say?
If I could, I'd go absolutely EVERYWHERE with my hooman girl, so I know how you feel. Don't worry, man. You're growing up and you'll grow out of that anxiety eventually.
Goober love,
Pee Ess
Make sure you go to Asta's birthday pawty. It's a western themed pawty on Monday 9/24.
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