Tonight was agility class night, which means mom and dad prayed I wouldn't be my normal crazy self and would be a good dog for once. I don't know if it was the cool weather today, or if I just wanted to be nice, but I was well behaved and did a great job!
Here I am waiting for my turn on the course. This is the hardest part of class. I'm not very patient, and waiting my turn feels like an eternity.
I was totally moving when I was on the course. Mom tried to get a picture of me on the A-frame, but all she could catch was me after I came off it. Look at that 'dale go!
Once again to prove how quick I was this evening, here is a picture of me working on my jumps. What, you can't see me? Look closely, that's my back end on the far right of the picture. I was too quick for the camera!
Here I am with dad, working on jumps. I'm not allowed to jump very high (Vet's orders) due to my Panosteitis, but that's OK with me. Why jump over when you can just plow on through.
Notice my concentration on my dad's hand signals. I'm such a good boy, no not really, he's got hot dog and cheese pieces in that hand. No way I'm taking my eyes off of those hands.
If you choose to, check out the video below. It shows me strolling through my jumps. You'll get to witness my why jump when you can go through process. This was at the very end of class, so mom said I was a bit tired, but I say I just don't want to jump all the time.
Here I am waiting for my turn on the course. This is the hardest part of class. I'm not very patient, and waiting my turn feels like an eternity.

'Till next time,
you'we amazing..I pwetty much ignowe diwections..I think I would flunk out of agility ow any othew school.....but you, youwe pawsome I'm glad you didn't jump and huwt look vewy handsome in the video!
I'm so glad we'we fwiends!
Thanks fow welcoming me to the ones club
smoochie kisses
You look so intense on your course. I guess it can get tough concentrating on the hot dog hands AND the jumps, but you do it so well.
I'm a little jelly fish ~ I'd love to try. Take care of yourself, man!
Goober love,
You did fabulous, Kirby! Your really watching your dad! A few more lessons and you'll be an old pro!
Love ya lots,
You make agility look easy, you must be really good at it Kirby. We've never been. Could you imagine the four of us at agility....I think we'd cause a riot.
Noah, Willow, Lucy and Tess
Kirby, I get to try agility next weekend!! You've got some great skills dude...just need to pick your feet up a little higher! Plus you look good while having fun...that's all that matters!
Nice work Kirby, very impressive!
Katy xxx
Nice work on that course Kirby, excellent concAIREtration!
Brilliant work on the agility Kirby Mate. We have an agility course in the garden - we were supposed to learn to use it properly. One day maybe...or Hoomans live in hope. But we love our tunnel we have great games in that when 1 or 5 of us are inside we roll down the garden in it.Whoo Hoo
The Thugletsx
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