Today we participated in the PAWS Chicago 'Run For Their Lives' 4K walk. PAWS Chicago (Pets Are Worth Saving) is the city's largest no-kill humane organization. They envision a no-kill Chicago--a city in which pets are not destroyed just because they are homeless. Mom likes us to participate in fundraisers like these because she feels it's important to help dogs that aren't as fortunate as I am. This year's walk/run raised over $244,000.00 to help the homeless dogs! I think that is sooooo pawsome!

It was a beautiful day for the walk. Sunny and in the upper 70s! With over 3,000 walkers, runners and doggies participating, there was a bit of a delay, so I had to sit and wait before I could get out and walk!

Look at all those people and doggies!

Dad realized that he's all over the pictures in my blog, so he snapped a quick pic of me and my mommy while we waited. Hey! Who's that dog getting in the picture with me and mom?

Off we go!

To ensure the safety of all participants, there are human and doggie water stops all along the route. It was delicious water provided by Sparky Springs! Water just for dogs!! Now, that's super cool!

Here we come across the finish line. Now, onto the food tent!!

Every good dog deserves a treat once they're done, so mom got me some apple slices in the food tent. MMMMmmmmm I love apples!

GUESS WHO was at the walk? It's my Vet, Dr. Marks!! She is the absolute BEST!!! She has taken care of me through a very difficult first year (pneumonia, panosteitis, Ecoli etc...) and I LOVE her with all my heart. Each time I go to visit her, we begin the visit with a little make out session. he he! Unlike most dogs, I'm not scared to go to the vet, I pull my way into the waiting room, and when I hear her voice, I get all excited! Mom agrees that Dr. Marks is the BEST!! She has provided the best care, helped mom and dad understand what's going on with me when there was a problem and just been there for the day to day questions new dog parents have!! I give her two PAWS up!! Luv you Dr. Marks!!!! P.S. where was your stethoscope today? You know how I love to chew on it...

After we got home from the walk, I was a bit pooped, but I perked up when mom gave me the freebie tennis ball the people from Petco were handing out. I love a good tennis ball. Mom watched me closely, as she knows I love to break them open.

Sure enough, not even five minutes after starting my chewing, I broke through. That means mom takes the ball away. NO FAIR!

Well, I'm off to nap. It's been a long and action packed weekend, and this 'dale needs his rest.
'Till next time,
G'day Kirby,
We've something similar here in Australia called the million paws walk which happens every May. We missed this years because the pinkies were in the UK but we're definitely going next year.
Sounds like you had a great day out. Thanks for the pics.
Hugs & tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
What an awesome time and you made TONS of money! That's wonderful! The food tent is a great idea to get your strength back after that long walkie!
Love ya lots,
That is totally pawsome that you pawticipared..I bet you helped an awful lot of doggies..that's the BEST! Youw Mommi has pwetty airegiwl haiw! and youw doktoe looks weally nice..she must be to have taken such good cawe of you!
I don't mind the goob in my eyes ..I just mind that i can't go to the wun till I'm well again
smoochie kisses
Hey, that dog in the picture of you & your Mom looks like ME!! Don't tell my folks I snuck away to Chicago for the weekend. I'd get in BIG trouble!
What wonderful time you had at the PAWS walk, mind you it looked like a hot day!
Nice to meet ya Kirby, you are such a handsome BOY... and you know I love handsome BOYZ....hehe!!
Hey, you wear the same sensation harness as STINKY.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi hi Kirby,
Me me is Jaffaman. Me like to play play a lot a lot, just like you!! I hope you will be my friend friend ok ok??
STINKY licks,
Kirby Boy!
That's so cool! You know, after seeing your mama I now know where you got your curly coat.
Looks like a very cool day for a great cause. It's stuff like that that remind me that I'm a fortunate pup and a lot of pups out there need our help.
You kill me, talking about your vet like that. Make out session? Whoa! I like my vet, but have yet to get to that stage. Maybe next year.
Glad you've come through everything from this first year so well, buddy. Take care!
Goober love,
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